It's Friday again, after a looooong hard week, we need to have some fun.
This is our first Friday night out in Y2006...
We agreed to go to Lang-suan, which is the closest to office, to chill out...have dinner... and get some drinks.
N' Ann joined us too. It's not her first time with us...but it's the first time she wanted to "have some drink"...something stronger than coke on ice ^_^

Other folks later joined us: Nutt, new FMP in FP&A, Beau, Nutt's old friend since Monach U in Melbourne and Nutt's colleague from Silicone whom I don't remember the name (sorry). MooDang, Aum, N' Joy. But Ae and Nancy couldn't come as occupied with urgent work....
Ae+ FMP, Nut, and P' Taai (tax) also joined us abit later. P' Taai got so surprised to see Ann and I dancing as she thought Ann and I must be reserved and shy type... haahh this is not the 1st time people said that to me...interesting.
Noom Sudthipon came by just in time to sing happy birthday to him with tequila shot. He turned 27 today.