Anyway, it went away as soon as the very first day I started @ my new work. I felt very relaxed and had a lot of fun exploring new things and getting to know new people!!
I never smile so brightly the entire day like this for a long long time. :)
Been a week at new environment already... I've changed my daily schedule to early morning, woke up @6am, left home by 6:45 and arrive work around 7:30.am Although the commute is longer, but the traffic is better. I really enjoy the morning breeze while driving... (I wish I have a convertible car! ;)
Coffee machine - make pretty good cappuccino

Met my boss on Wednesday, he gave me orientation more specifically on the Region team and the new operating framework. One of the sentence he said is very impressive to me: "I'm so tempting to throw work at you, but since you're new so it won't be fair"
He then set up schedule with appropriate persons to go over everything with me this week and next week.
I think that's a very good start!
Just got a chance to watch Raising Helen - Kate Hudson, the movie is very cute. It got me thinking that sometimes certain things happen to your life that's not really your choice... and you may not like it at all... but eventually this unplanned incident might be one of the most incredible thing ever happen in your life.
I do cherish some unplanned things...like how I met some nice people
That's "d e s t i n y" ...r i g h t ?