I don't need 2 mobile numbers but the company gave me one becuz my job is a "travelling job"
...yes and it comes with Nokia N70 -- one of the very high-end smart phone from Nokia. very cool, right :)
Nokia N70 in Silver Stainless/Black color and Nokia 7610 in White.

Still have bad 'tennis elbow' since earlier this year. It makes me feel like a princess :P because the elbow hurt so much that I cannot really do anything...even easy thing like watering plants in the garden. I lose gripping power so I cannot even twist open a water bottle. very sad right? anyway...I'm hoping it'll get better soon... in the meantime, I'm practicing using the left hand/arm :)
Singapore business district on the way to Changgi airport

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Next time will talk more on SG trip and other trips when I get a chance.
FP&A reunion @Buri Thara
pictures are a bit dark :P

นะจ๊ะ ^^