Ashton -Demi marriage a while ago (Sept 2005) really got me to be open to this concept of older woman-younger man.. just recently found this article and I thought you might find interesting!!

Heck, if a man like Ashton will pass up budding starlets for mother-of-three Demi, there must be certain upsides to a woman of experience It’s a huge allure for young men because here’s a sophisticated, attractive woman in control of her own life,” explains Valerie Gibson, author of Cougar: A Guide For Older Women Dating Younger Men.
“Often, she doesn’t want to get married and doesn’t want children. For a young man, she’s a sexy, exciting companion.”
Do talk her talk:
Above everything, an older woman would like to have a decent conversation. Questions like "What’s your major?” and “Did you see the new O.C.?” are suddenly moot. Ask her questions about her job, her hobbies, what type of music she likes.
Don’t play around:
"If a guy tries that three-day rule, I’m already thinking he’s too insecure to handle a relationship with me.” The solution’s simple: Just act like you feel, not how you think you should.
Do stay cool:
Don’t date an older woman if you can’t handle that attention. But if you’re deft, you’ll not only cope, you’ll impress your lady with your maturity and charm. That stodgy couple one table over insists on gawking? Turn, smile, and smoothly say, “I don’t blame you for staring. She’s beautiful, isn’t she?”
Don’t mention the numbers:
A line like, “It’s so great that we get along despite the generation gap,” sounds good in your head, but comes across as, “I’m glad we get along even though you’re so old.” Besides, it’s your personalities, not your birthday candles, that are compatible—and that’s where you should concentrate. So please, avoid asking questions like, “Did video games exist yet when you were a kid?”
Do act your age:
Fact is, if she wanted to date a man her age, she would, so don’t pressure yourself to act more sophisticated than you are. ...the reason that somebody is attracted to younger guys is that their minds are more open. They offer spontaneity and fun...
taken from