Saturday, February 04, 2006

Salsa night

Few days ago, I read a magazine and it really hit me that I've never tried Salsa dance in my life ever.

Somehow I talked to Indria about workout at gym and do something fun like dancing for an exercise.... all of sudden, she mentioned a salsa lesson -- she can read my mind!
That was earlier this week..I've been waiting for Friday to go to Fogo Vivo for the Salsa lesson... and here I am ...

The steps weren't hard to follow...but I still couldn't make a very nice spin :P I had a lot of fun though. I was a real beginner...same as "Joe" who came for the 2nd time.

Oh I met "Jimmy", who is originally from Chicago. He has been to Thai temple on Broadway+Lawrence and knew some of my good friends there too... it's such a small world.

Talked to some of my friends and (at least) a few more people will go Salsa with me next Friday!! This is exciting :)