Monday, March 13, 2006

It's Monday March 13th

Don't know how often people feel like this,
but, to me, I've been feeling like time flies by so fast!

I felt like I just celebrated New Year not long ago,
but this is mid March already -- almost 1/4 of the year 2006 already gone.
quite scary, huh?

There are still several things I wanna do but have not yet accomplished..
Q House Bldg - on my way home

Better mood today.
Although things are the same as yesterday.

In time of stress like this,
it's not enough to wait but to reach out to others

So I picked up the phone and started the conversation to those people I missed

At least they should know that they have not been forgotten by me
I don't care if they might not be in a very good mood
Hopefully I could at least take their mind off from trouble
and smile for a few mins.
Had a new haircut yesterday
I have a bang now
hu hu hu

in the car on the way back home

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